Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Vaison la Romaine (sans Romans)

When I picked Ria up after school on Monday, her teacher Helene told me she had "une petite fievre," a little fever, and wasn't herself that day. And indeed she fell asleep in the car on the way home, and slept on the couch, and went to bed at seven. So I kept her home on Tuesday, and she napped on and off all day. Her sleep was periodically interrupted by awful nightmares, which I am just helpless to prevent, and heartbroken by.

Wednesday is a short day, so I kept her home that day too, and we headed out to see Vaison la Romaine, a village famed for its Roman ruins right in town. We walked through its pretty narrow streets, up to the chateau (i.e. fortified castle) on the top of the hill, and enjoyed the gorgeous views and clear skies (blown clear by the Mistral, a wind that is making us all crazy).

As we headed back to the car, we realized that we never saw any Roman ruins. I was disappointed, but not so much that I could find the energy to go find them. We headed home and had dinner instead.

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