Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ria's school

Carolyn asked for more information about Ria's school. Here are some pictures. Le Petit Prince is a small preschool for very young children; Ria is the oldest. It's fairly small, but with a lot of teachers. The parking lot, like most places for parking in France, is tiny and utterly disorganized. I often park squeezed between two bushes, and it's sometimes very hard to get my car back out.

The classroom Ria is in has eight or nine students, all boys except for Ria and Pauline, who is closest in age to Ria and is Ria's best friend. Here are pictures of the little boys playing with miniature versions of the baskets everyone here uses for grocery shopping. In the background is Jonas, the German student who has been teaching Ria French in the afternoons. The picture of Ria is taken in the cubby room.

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