Saturday, May 1, 2010

tolerant livestock

Annabelle, Benjamin (collectively "Benjabelle"), Ria, and I hopped in the car and headed out. We stopped in Carpentras, to see a fête bio (an organic festival) held in the market square. Under the sign advertising the organic festival was a fleet of lawn-mowers for sale. The festival was mostly marked by rows of booths selling plants and organic things like reflexology sessions and incense. It's funny how a method of working sustainably with the earth is so closely associated with self-pampering and mystical quackery.

We were lured to the festival by a pen of small farm animals we thought Ria would like to pet. She did in fact love it. The animals were tolerant, if not similarly delighted. Ria was at least on the nice end of the scale, the tubby boy in black who kicked any chicken that refused to be picked up marking the opposite end of the scale.

We didn't stay long, though, because it was hot, hot, hot -- like, cracking 90 degrees hot -- and being around a bunch of smelly farm animals in the heat holds attraction only for young children. After petting a few miniature goats and holding a chicken, we got back in the car and headed for L'Isle sur la Sorgue.

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