Saturday, May 22, 2010

pre-Ascension at La Barroux

The four-day weekend of Ascension has begun. This is apparently a Catholic holiday of some import, which falls on a Thursday. As the weekend is so close, the French bridge the gap and have a four-day weekend. Ria's out of school, I don't have French lessons, and supposedly all the stores are closed. Ria's Wednesdays are already short, less than half a day, so our weekend begins on Wednesday at noon.

It is cold and rainy. The mistral is silent, so the clouds sit above Provence and drip or pour on us. Still, there is so much to see, so Ria and I headed north of home to see Le Barroux, a mountain village nearby with a massive fortified castle at the top. Successive owners turned it into a palace of incredible comfort inside, or so I read. It was closed that day, so we didn't get inside. But the views from just outside the castle's walls are beautiful.

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