Sunday, May 23, 2010

last day of the long weekend: Camargue

To conclude our nearly five-day weekend, Ria and I headed south to the river delta known as the Camargue, a massive area of salt flats, rice fields, fields of grasses, and iconic wild bulls, wild white horses, and bright pink flamingoes. At the end of the road is a touristy little seaside town, exactly what you'd expect for a beach town, filled with trinkets and carnivalesque things to do. We played in the sand on the beach for a long time, while the Mistral blew the mosquitoes away. For lunch we went to a paella restaurant. In the afternoon we were back at the beach, lying in the sun with all the French people there, lying in the sun in black jeans, leather pants, even winter coats -- odd, considering it was in the high 70s.

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