Thursday, April 15, 2010

Up the Eiffel Tower

Annabelle and Benjamin joined us for the ultimate tourist activity, and were very good sports about it. Marvelously, it is now possible to buy tickets to go up the Eiffel Tower in advance, and thus avoiding the horribly long lines that otherwise gather under the gargantuan structure. Unfortunately, once past the first line, there are many more awaiting the intrepid tourist. The views were a touch hazy, the crowds worse than when we were there in March 2007, and we couldn't get a table at the restaurant, so all in all it was a bit of a let-down compared to our first visit.

Still, it provides an amazing view, and the historical information displayed is incredibly interesting. And of course the engineering and architectural design of the tower never fails to blow me away. I could spend hours inside the legs just looking at all the pieces, marveling that Ikea hasn't made and sold its own version.

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