Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day Two

Ria's second day in school went as well as the first, although only she and Leo were there in the morning, and Leo left just after lunch, so Ria was the only child in the afternoon, playing with Jonah the whole time. She found a chicken egg, which delighted her, and climbed trees (forbidden at her Waldorf school in the States), which similarly delighted her.

She told me after the first day that I picked the right place for her. Although all the teachers are terrified that she'll have awful separation anxiety and will be distressed if she stays there from 9 until 3, Ria is very happy there and has no problem staying that long. She is happy that there are children to play with, attentive teachers, roosters and hens to play with, art supplies to use, and a great outdoor space to play in. Thom and I are very happy knowing that she's so happy, and not at all stressed by being in a new place and not knowing the language. She has a good ear, and a good accent, and a good memory, so I think that she will be speaking basic French before long. She is also eating new foods, as they provide lunch, and that's a good thing too.

After Thom and I picked her up, we drove up Mount Ventoux, a historically important mountain in the Tour de France, and a beautiful place besides. I've mentioned, I believe, that we've got a good view of Mt. Ventoux from the toilet in our second-floor bathroom. It was snow covered, and the road to the top closed, when we last came here in March 2007. And alas, it was snow-covered and the road to the top was closed today too.

In the car, Ria asked me what "cuckoo" means, and I said, "crazy." This puzzled her, because at the local school, whenever someone knocks on the door, they all say, "Cuckoo!" I explained the other meanings of the word.

This reminded me that when we arrived at Katrin's apartment building in Bern, I rang the doorbell to her apartment, which (it turns out) is on the fourth and top floor. Katrin opened her window, popped her head out, and said, "Cuckoo!" looking for all the world like a cuckoo clock -- in Switzerland! How appropriate!

In the evening I cooked from Julia Child: boeuf aux onions, a long simmering beef stew with onions. It was surprisingly good. Ria started watching the Lion King in French while we did the dishes.

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