Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sunday, a day of rest

We spent the whole day Sunday at the house, playing with Ria mostly. We walked up to the little town above us, Venasque, which Ria had not yet been to. Here are a couple of pictures of Ria, one with her trying to get Mama Giraffe out of a tree where she was stuck, and another of her showing a rosemary bush to Mama Giraffe, smelling the rosemary. I've also attached a couple of photos of the local church, for Tuck's benefit mostly. As you approach the town from the valley below, the town covers the crest of a long peak and the church appears like the mast on a prow. It's quite dramatic. I'll have to get a photo from below, to show you how beautifully sited the town is.

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