Monday, April 5, 2010

No pictures

I've forgotten the string for downloading photos from my camera to my computer. I'll solve this eventually, but in the meantime, no pictures for you.

Yesterday was given over to getting over jet lag.

Today we just got our feet. We slept in very late, then headed out to get breakfast: three apple criossantesque things eaten by the West Facade of Notre Dame, then wandering. Some souvenirs for certain friends of Ria may have been purchased. Lunch of crepes, far inferior to the dinner of crepes we had last night, because this place was closer to the Centre Pompidou, and therefore touristy, whereas the crepe stand last night was visited by two Paris policeman immediately after us. The man who made our crepes last night was a true artist, and Thom and I spent some time looking online for crepe stoves to put in our new kitchen after he inspired us.

We went grocery shopping, and had a tres gourmet dinner chez nous: une baguette, du buerre, du fromage, du jambon, une tomate, et du vin. C'est magnifique. (For the English speakers: baguette, butter, cheese, ham, tomato, and wine.)

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